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Three witnesses told Reuters
제목 Three witnesses told Reuters
작성자 Somal125 (ip:)
  • 작성일 2019-12-29 22:47:39
  • 추천 추천 하기
  • 조회수 48
  • 평점 0점
Three witnesses told Reuters the blast had taken place next to a small group of Turkish engineers who were 레플리카신발=레플리카신발
constructing a road. Somali Foreign Minister Ahmed Awad tweeted that two of the Turkish engineers died. Many of the dead were "students 여자레플리카=여자레플리카
with ambition, and hardworking men and women", he wrote. Turkey has been a major donor to Somalia since a famine in 2011. President Mohamed Abdullahi 명품의류레플리카=명품의류레플리카
Farmaajo condemned the attack. "This enemy works to implement the destructive will of international terrorism, they have never done anything positive for this our country, they have not constructed a road, never built hospitals and not education centres as well," he was quoted as saying by the Somalia national news agency Sonna. "All they do is destruction and killing 천안원룸
and the Somali public are well informed about this." Five people were killed earlier this month when al-Shabab attacked a Mogadishu hotel popular with politicians, diplomats and military officers.
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