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Pellegrini leaves after
제목 Pellegrini leaves after
작성자 intervi3111 (ip:)
  • 작성일 2019-12-30 01:37:26
  • 추천 추천 하기
  • 조회수 103
  • 평점 0점
Pellegrini leaves after 18 months in charge, having been appointed in May 2018 on a three-year deal, and was told about 위블로=위블로여성의류
his departure shortly after conducting post-match interviews. West Ham made the announcement within two hours of losing to Leicester. Moyes, who took 홍콩명품남성의류=홍콩명품도매 홍콩명품남성의류 홍콩명품여성의류
charge of West Ham for six months between November 2017 and May 2018, is one of the favourites to replace Pellegrini, although no deal has been finalised. In his last spell at the club, Moyes took 청호나이스 이과수 TIDY=청호나이스 이과수 TIDY 일반정수기렌탈추천
over from Slaven Bilic with West Ham in the relegation zone and helped them secure safety with two games to spare, eventually finishing 13th in the Premier League. He spent 11 years in charge of Everton before taking over from Sir Alex Ferguson at Manchester United in 2013, lasting 11 months 이태원부동산
in the job. Spells at Real Sociedad and Sunderland followed. Asked after the game whether he was the right man to guide the Hammers out of trouble, Pellegrini said: "Of course. I am confident. I have a lot of experience of being in this position. "When you don't get the result people talk about you being sacked. For me I only worry about managing games." West Ham entertain Bournemouth on New Year's Day (17:30 GMT) but the club are yet to announce who will take charge for the game.
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